Saturday, July 4, 2009

Prayer Time!

Here's what's goin down this lovely Independence Day weekend... Heather has been sick this week, and had to stay in bed all Wednesday due to her 101 degree fever. She made a miraculous recovery, but still had a bad cough, and last night she started feeling bad again. We got her a thermometer and discovered that the 101 degree fever was back. She went to bed and woke up feeling a little bit better, but she has absolutely no voice. Yesterday my face started itching around my right eye and my jaw line, and by the time I woke up this morning, it was swelled up like a balloon. It would appear that poison ivy has made another appearance, this time on my face. And now it is just spreading like wildfire. My fingers are swollen, my arm is bumpy... It's an epidemic! So Heather and I are about to head over to the clinic and see if they can save us. We both have people coming tomorrow to stay in our houses with us for the week, so it would be really great if we were fully healthy by then.

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