Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sorry for the absence...

It has been a busy week. All this last week we've been working hard, crawling under houses to fix leaks, waxing floors, getting vans registered, and going to the landfill. In the evenings we have a couple of hours for dinner, and then off to Orientation meetings with Randy. As a result, no time to find internet or cell service in order to keep you folks updated. Right now we're on our way home from camping all weekend in North Carolina. We went with Merilee and a group of people from another mission organization in McDowell County to Hanging Rock State Park, and it was beautiful! We hiked for about 5 miles, and made it up to the top of the official Hanging Rock that the park is named for! What a view... There will be more pictures later, but here is one from the top now. Hope you're all having a great week!

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